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Award-Winning Employee Spotlight, Scarlett Green

Award-Winning Employee Scarlett Green
Award-Winning Employee Scarlett Green

Welcome to our NetView ECO TeamView series, where we will highlight award-winning employees that makeup HBS System’s team to learn more about them, and their work, and to pick their brains on a variety of topics.

Our featured guest is Scarlett Green, Inside Sales Manager at HBS Systems.

In this HBS Systems exclusive, we sat down with the native Texan to learn about her background, how she came to HBS Systems, her love for equipment, farming, fishing, hunting, and her passion for ensuring our customers receive the exemplary service and attention they deserve.

HBS: Tell us about a recent experience you’ve had and why it changed your life! No pressure.

SG: I’m on my 5th anniversary of a new set of knees. My younger years of sports and ranching took quite a toll on me. I was down to walking with a walker for a couple of years before I finally had both of my knees replaced. I cannot even begin to tell you how great it is to be able to stand for over 5 minutes without having tears in my eyes. I’m very thankful that I can move around without pain again and I plan to take full advantage of it.

HBS: You joined HBS Systems 25 years ago. What has kept you at the company this long?

SG: I love what I do, I work for a wonderful company and I adore my customers. I come from a long line of ranchers. I grew up driving tractors and dozers and all types of equipment. My family evolved from running cattle on horseback when I was younger to using 4-wheelers when I was in college. HBS was just a great fit. I have actually been lucky enough to work with multiple generations of the same families in some of our dealerships. I look forward to working with them for many years to come.

HBS: Walk us through a typical day in the life of Scarlett Green

SG: Work Day: Rise and get ready – fire up the coffee pot – feed the dog – login – catch up notes from yesterday — check email – put out fires – reach out to customers – get distracted – pull myself back on course – send quotes – have meetings – return phone calls – realize that it is 3 pm and I have not had lunch – grab a snack – Check in with Mom and Dad – back to the phone & emails — Shut down – realize that I forgot to put in a ton of notes – make notes to put in notes– feed the dog – do some things around the house – call Mom and Dad to catch up and make sure all is well and tell them goodnight — catch a little TV – go to bed – have a million things spinning in my head – read a little to relax – go to sleep

Non-Work Day: Get up – Feed Dog – Check in with Mom and Dad — check email because that’s what I do – get stuff done around the house – try to do something fun – maybe work in a movie or see some friends – spend time with my family

HBS: What is next on your list of personal and professional goals?

SG: Winning the lottery would be nice – realistically though I would like to maybe expand my role with the company a bit. On the personal side, I’m working on getting in better shape so that I can get back to more hunting, fishing, shooting, 4-wheeling, and reeking a little more all-around havoc on the world although some would say that I already do enough of that…

HBS: Both those goals sound awesome. Let’s shift gears for a second. Give us your 5 favorite movies.

SG: Men in Black (all of them), You’ve Got Mail, The Bodyguard, The Old Guard, Ghost

HBS: 5 favorite musical artists.

SG: Melissa Ethridge, Brad Paisley, Annie Lenox, Freddy Mercury, Toby Keith

HBS: Favorite Color

SG: Camo – I prefer old-school Green but any camo is good. Tie-Dye is a close second – the brighter the better

HBS: We understand that you like to shoot. Do you have a favorite thing to shoot?

SG: I just love to shoot in general. My favorite, although I don’t shoot it much anymore is my Grandfather’s old S&W Pistol. They moved here from the Dustbowl in OK to make a better life and he was hired shortly after the move as a Smith Detective. Back then, they ran alarms, provided security, and could actually make arrests as well. This was his service weapon that he bought second-hand from Ray’s (in business since 1949) shortly after they opened. I also have his badge. I also have my father’s Winchester Pump 410 that he got when he was 6. I still dove hunt with that one.

HBS: Secret is out and we hear you love caring for other people. Where did the passion for doing so come from and what sustains it?

SG: I come from a family with a very strong work ethic. Ranchers/cowboys on one side and a family that built themselves up from sharecroppers on the other side. Neither parent had electricity until they were well into their teen years. I was the first person, other than a female cousin who graduated in 1929, that graduated from college. I have always felt like I owed it to those who worked so hard before me to do a good job at whatever I do. I also have a fantastic family and would do absolutely anything for them to keep them healthy, safe and happy. I really don’t think this is so special, just the right thing to do.

HBS: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

SG: It totally depends on the drive and ability of the woodchuck I guess and his tools. Good tools are important

HBS: Pants or Skirts, and why?

SG: Have you met me? Pants!

HBS: You know they make pants that look like a skirt?

SG: Nope, pants are fine just looking like pants!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Scarlett Green a little more in our NetView ECO TeamView series. If you’d like to become part of the team or learn more about how HBS Systems can Advance Your Dealership, give our team a call at 800-376-6376 or send an email to

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